White Rock Trail


Summer is here… and I’m officially dying of heat, but really… it’s SUMMER!! yay!  This just means I get to squeeze extra time with my littles for more adventures.  I recently discovered a hike out in Snow Canyon State Park called White Rock Trail, I’ve taken my kiddos a few times already and I recommend it to everyone.

It’s a fun short hike with a roundtrip length of 0.5 miles.  This hike has beautiful views of Snow Canyon along with the amazing petrified white sandstone mountains. It is located above the north entrance of Snow Canyon State Park on Hwy 18 about a few hundred feet past the entrance on your left hand side.

We attempted to start our hike at sunrise, but got a late start around 8am.  Being that it’s the summer and gets over a 100 degrees, starting at 6:30-ish would have been a good idea.  Lou and Dex were troopers!  They were so busy discovering animal tracks and watching bunnies run by, and stopping every 100 ft or so to play in the sand.  Made for a good distraction from how hot it was getting.

One of our favorite things about this hike is towards the end of the trail you have to scale in between two of the white sandstone mountains.  As you get to the end, it opens up to an area which reminds me of a little oasis minus water (ha ha), with a fun white sand dune hill.  The kids had a blast and probably could have stayed longer if it wasn’t for us baking in the sun.  This has turned into a fun little go-to hike for us and we have plans for picnics and sand sledding the next time we venture out to the White Rock Trail. Let’s make the best of our summer however it is spent! Happy trails!

Be home. Be happy. Be local with Shan

















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